Equipment Retrofitting

Right from its inception, Multotec has retrofitted its equipment into and onto both existing mining operations and established equipment (such as screening machines).

Multotec utilises its advanced drawing office resources to ensure that equipment retrofitting is a seamless operation, and that all retrofitted equipment is capable of extracting maximum value within your mineral processing application.

Through our strategically placed branch infrastructure and distribution network, we now have the capability of retrofitting almost any of our products in-situ on any mine!

Continuous product improvements and advances in technology have facilitated this process and ensured that we stay as close as possible to our customer base to assist them in extracting maximum process value on a continuous basis through our various feedback loop systems.

We offer on-going maintenance and condition monitoring to ensure retrofitted equipment operates at optimum efficiency.

Multotec is committed to lowering your cost per ton processed

Multotec recognises that creating value for our clients requires customisation. In particular, Multotec has established and continues to enhance technological capability, also recognising that customisation requires an on-going investment in resources and time.

Choose a process partner who will always work to lower your cost per processed ton.
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