Rubber screen

100 mm Screen Media

100 mm screen media from Multotec is a durable rubber screening panel that is easy to install and replace using the Multotec XHD 100MM THK pin and sleeve system. The panels are connected through the H-profile sleeve that is designed to prevent fines from entering between panels. Once the pin has been knocked into place in the sleeve, the pull out force of the panel exceeds 900 kg.

Installation and removal for the 100 mm screen media:

To remove worn media:

  • First remove the pin using a Multotec pin removal tool or a Thru-Tang screwdriver with the head cut off. The pin can also be drilled out using a 10 / 12 mm drill bit which eliminates the shank of the pin (be careful not to damage the stringer bars if drilling the pin out)
  • Once all pins have been removed, the panels can be removed by hand
  • Use a flat screwdriver between the panels to lift an intital panel out the deck
  • Once several of the panel are removed, pull the remaining panels loose with a crowbar

Installation of new media:

  • Lay the panels side-by-side on the frame
  • Once the entire row has been laid, push the sleeves into position
  • Hammer the sleeves until they are flush with the shoulder on the pin cut out. THE SLEEVES MUST BE RECESSED COMPLETELY
  • Use Windex® Glass Cleaner as a lubricant liberally, as required
  • Repeat these steps, completing one row at a time from the discharge towards the feed end, until the complete deck has been placed
Need more info? Contact Multotec on +27 (0) 11 923 6000 to speak to our specialists.
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