Despite the real struggles and challenges that COVID-19 posed, the Multotec Group of Companies uplifted vulnerable communities, through its Socio-Economic Development (SED) initiatives.
“For me 2020 was a different year as we were not allowed to visit each other but had to stay at home. Therefore, I did not have an opportunity to be physically there for our beneficiaries so that I could serve them with love, care and laughter. But regardless of the difficulties that we were faced with as Multotec, we continued to serve our beneficiaries from a distance,” said Isaac Matlala, Quality Inspector for Multotec Manufacturing.
Our SED programme is focused on the upliftment of historically disadvantaged communities located in areas where Multotec operates, as well as where we source our potential employees, customers and suppliers. Multotec’s SED consists of the following 5 key initiatives:
• Care for underprivileged children
• Early childhood development & childcare
• Adopted schools’ upliftment
• Nutrition & health
• Taking care of people with disabilities
Multotec partners with Little Eden, to change the lives of people with disabilities
We consider the disabled as other normal individuals - they are no less competent, creative, or intelligent. Multotec wanted to educate others about the challenges facing the disabled, to create positive change that will see disabled individuals being included more in companies and communities.
In 2020, to provide further support to the disabled, we partnered with Little Eden, to participate in their Wheelchair Challenge. Since its inception on 1 March 2018, it has allowed our leaders to experience life from a different perspective as well as understand the challenges faced by people with disabilities, daily.
We also adopted one of Little Eden’s angels, Koketso Mokoena. Multotec has been donating towards the cost of her care for more than 10 years. This involvement has a personal and meaningful impact to us as we have developed a close relationship with our angel.
“Being involved with the SED team gives me hope and makes me feel that I have a purpose in life, which is to make this country a better place. The organisation that is close to my heart is Little Eden, which cares for our adopted angel Koketso Mokoena. Seeing Koketso growing and developing with the help of Multotec is amazing and rewarding. What a story and life this little angel has!” said Adel Kruger, Office Administrator for Multotec Process Equipment.
Multotec plans to continue its SED work in 2021, to drive economic upliftment in South Africa.