The Ingredients for Success

As I sit on the Latam LA 630-flight from Calama city in the Atacama Desert on my way back to Santiago Chile after an excellent visit to Chuquicamata Mine, the vast expanses of the Atacama Desert pass beneath me. The absolute enormity of the Atacama Desert and the Andes Mountains is awe-inspiring, and while watching the desert slide by, my mind wanders off to Multotec International and the efforts to build a successful sustainable business for generations to come.

I am not sure whether our South African colleagues are always aware of the huge amount of effort and energy a lot of people have invested in creating Multotec International over the last 30 years. It is enormous, just like the Atacama Desert and the Andes Mountain range!

The question that comes to mind is, how do we achieve and sustain the effort? Do what? … Create a prosperous business platform in all the strategic global mining destinations to ensure that we pass on the legacy, the DNA and the culture of Multotec to the many cultures of the people that we work with. I started thinking about my international colleagues and team members that have dedicated their professional lives to Multotec and this cause we have. I am proud to say that the commitment, focus and professionalism are reflected in all my teams, irrespective of continent, or country.

So, the answer to this question that I have been battling with was staring me in the face – our people! That is what differentiates us.

Multotec, from so many other companies, and the ingredients that they all reflect in their efforts to be successful; Consistency, Discipline and Patience. These three ingredients, combined with commitment, form the foundation of any successful endeavour. It allows us to endure the challenges that we face on an international front when ensuring growth and expansion.

To all the courageous pioneers in Multotec, I take my hat off to you, keep up the good work and focus on the right things.


"Our incredible successes and achievements have been made possible by the amazing and talented individuals who are part of the Multotec team, from all corners of the world."

- Jaco du Toit

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